When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind (African proverb). There are five writers in this family and I’m loving it! I really am an Authorpreneur or more precisely an aspiring one, budding but not a wannabe! There really is such a word and by definition and according to the Urban Dictionary – “an author is someone who creates a written product, participates in creating their own brand, and actively promotes that brand through a variety of outlets. An Authorpreneur makes use of outlets such as: websites, blogs and social media, promotional materials both in print and online, opportunities to speak, generating media coverage, teaching other authors in person or online, creating unique business models to facilitate their product, offering support through those business models to other authors.” I like the word Authorpreneur and everything that it may represent! Am working really hard to be a published author soon!
We’re a family of writers! And I’ve begun to rediscover creative writing again! It’s good therapy and it gives me great pleasure to dream big ones and most often impossible ones at that too! While driving to work one morning, my wife and I talked about writing. We spoke about the essay she wrote in her application for a Diploma in Interior Design. I told her that I never noticed that she writes well too. At least, she took that observation well, and besides I was the one driving!
All my three children are writers too, my eldest daughter with her own successful and popular blog and writing for a living too, my son who comes out with insightful essays in his school assignments, and my youngest son already showing great potential in creativity and writing! My wife and I have produced these very creative kids. Must be the vibes we got when we were working for a TV network. Now I get it!